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Student Testimonials
The 4.12 program has been such a challenging, eye-opening, and life-giving experience for me. I never expected coming into it to have my faith taken out, analyzed, turned around, shaped, and put back together in such a beautiful way. I have been faced with accountability like I don’t find anywhere else, and I have been continually encouraged by the people I am glad to call my “camp friends.” As I’m making decisions and getting ready to leave for college, I am so excited to take the things I’ve learned here and start applying them to what’s ahead of me.”
“Being in the Leadership Training Program these past few years has really helped facilitate the spiritual growth in my life. My relationship with God has grown so much and the program has really discipled me in my faith and given me a desire to disciple others. As a result of being in the program, I have learned a lot about leadership, which is something I was sorely lacking in before. I’ve also learned a lot through spiritual disciplines and I am applying them to my life. I can honestly say that God has used the LTP to change my life, grow my relationship with Him and has set the stage for what God will do next, and is even now doing in my life.”
“The four years I’ve spent in the 4.12 program have been a great part of my spiritual growth throughout high school. Through the 4.12 program, I have had a great opportunity to learn from God’s Word. I also had the opportunity to make amazing Christian friends and to grow close to others who are striving to please God. I definitely formed friendships that will last a lifetime. The full-time staff at Joy El have always been there when I had questions or if I just needed help with something. Through being a counselor, I have loved seeing campers start a relationship with Christ and grow closer to Him. My favorite part of working at Joy El has been the several hours spent in the kitchen making memories that will last a lifetime. Overall, the experience I had through the 4.12 program has been great and has definitely helped in my walk with God.”
“The 4.12 LTP has been a tool for my spiritual growth. I feel that without it, I wouldn’t have grown and progressed so much in my walk with the Lord over the past four years. The people within the program are so encouraging and loving, helping me to feel confident and to want more spiritually. The LTP has compelled me to not sit and be idle but to pursue God and witness for him. Though I struggle, this program gets me back on track.”
“The LTP has helped me more than I can express with words. Because of this program, I now have a relationship with Christ. I rely on God, have love for others and have a servant’s heart. The program has encouraged me to have daily devotions. Without this program, I would not be the same person, and I thank God for the program and the opportunity for me to participate.”
“I have learned so much through this program about God, others and myself. I have learned some leadership techniques that will not only help me here but will help me along for the rest of my life. I have learned to deal with other people, situations and the importance of fellowship. But most importantly, I have learned that my life is a spiritual journey and I have to encourage it every day by reading my Bible and praying.”
“This program has been a huge part of my life! It’s taught me responsibility, respect, love, servanthood and much more. But the greatest change it’s made in my life is in my heart. Since I began the program, my spiritual growth has been amazing. I know I wouldn’t be this close to God if I wasn’t here today. It’s been challenging and I’ve made great godly friends who can encourage me in my walk with God. I recommend this program to anyone who desperately wants to seek God!”
“The 4.12 LTP is an amazing thing. It has helped me in so many ways.
I have grown closer to God and learned who he is. I always knew he was powerful, but until you work at camp, you don’t often realize it. The way God organizes everything perfectly is amazing to see. Another thing that has helped me is the amazing community that we enjoy. It’s the way the Christian community is supposed to be. We all get along (for the most part) and have an awesome time together. God is amazing in how he brought us all together. I would strongly, strongly recommend anyone who can to get involved with the Leadership Training Program.”
“The LTP has helped me in many ways. First, it has encouraged me to constantly be in the Word of God. The memorization of scripture is so important. So it has helped me in my own spiritual life. The program has also given me opportunities to use my gifts. I have been taught how they should be used. The LTP has helped me learn what it means to be a leader. It has helped me learn that I need to be an example for my campers and others in my life.”
Brief Answers to Big Questions Video Series
Brief Answers to Big Questions Video Series
Scott Symington’s “What’s My Purpose” Session – Aug. 25 2020
4.12 Photos
Click on the links below to view the photo galleries from each program year.